Art and social issues

During the trip that Andrea and I took to Canada and the US, I have been reminded of the cultural differences with which I struggled during my four years at Middlebury. How I fought with a certain kind of void, of emptiness, of lack of meaning that I felt in some creative acts around me… And yet, finally coming home after a two-month journey, today I realize that I simply had to accept that art can be used and created differently; in order to establish a dialogue, or to live an experience. It can also be a simple and pure expression of oneself, of a community. It can be a game. An act of play. It is a process, something which grows, changes and expands with time, research and experience. But most importantly, what I came to realize is that, wherever we are in the world, art has the innate ability to draw communities together, to touch deep into the human experience, viscerally and physically, in a very tangible way.

With this realization at hand, as I was reading my daily pile of articles and blog posts about feminicide and violence against women, I fell upon “Ergastolo per femminicidio: una proposta indecente” by Monica Pepe published three days ago on the blog Zero Violenza Donne. Truly an amazing article*, that resounded with all the positive comments and the support that Ni una más has been receiving in the past week. So many donations pouring in our KissKissBankBank fundraising page (click here to access it and take part in this campaign!), so much positive feedback to the release of our trailer. All of this is a wonderful reminder that the work we do as artists is very important, fundamental, tangible. And Ms. Pepe’s article is just another bell chiming in the collective chorus of voices, artistic and non, which are rising and trying to change the communities in which we live.

*(I encourage any Italian speaker to read it, because, for the first time in over a year, I’ve found an article that expresses and articulates all the points which I believe are fundamental in my approach to the subject of violence against women. As an artist, as a critical thinker. As a human being. For the English speakers, here is a translation of her final paragraph: “We need affective and sexual Education in schools, permanent Training in the Authorities and medical personnel, a Shelter in every municipality, work for everyone, young people, women and men, giving them the sense of dignity of existence and the possibility of change, anticipating the spiral of violence. Because no one should die “of love”, in the same way that nobody should die because of sexual discrimination at any age”!)


Questa voce è stata scritta da nerinacocchi e pubblicata il novembre 29, 2012 su 4:30 PM. È archiviata in English, Interviste, note di regia con tag , , , , , , . Aggiungi il permalink ai segnalibri. Segui tutti i commenti qui con il feed RSS di questo articolo.

Un pensiero su “Art and social issues

  1. “Art and social issues Ni una más” was a very awesome blog post, .
    Keep posting and I’ll try to continue to keep browsing! Regards -Kacey

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